The Finnish Environment Institute has collected a set of national sustainable development indicators. One of them - on the
issue of "Global climate problems" is the ice-breaking date of River Tornio. See:
Ice break-up date of the river Tornio according to The Finnish Environment Institute
On above mentioned page it is told:
"The river's ice appears to be breaking two weeks earlier than 300 years ago. The process seems to have taken place over a
long period, suggesting mainly natural causes. However, in recent decades the break-up date change has accelerated,
so this long date series will still be worth following in future years."
Well, here are our diagrams that present the development and trend of the same date during the last 100 years. You
may decide your self if the break-up date change has accelerated.

In my humble opinion there isn't even a clear trend. Actually a hydrologist from The Finnish Environment Institute admitted
also that there isn't, when asked by email. But on their web site there is still and stubbornly this claim: "However, in
recent decades the break-up date change has accelerated".
(Heikki Jokipii)